A Beginner’s Guide to Baking the Perfect Cookies

The one ultimate go-to pastry that almost everyone loves that goes beyond age, which everyone could agree on is cookies. The fantastic thing about cookies is that there always seems to have a moment to have them, and they do not even have to require a special occasion.

Whether or not you want to start a cookie pastry business or just simply want to have your own freshly baked cookies for happiness, it is essential that you have to be equipped with learning the basics of baking cookies.

If you are a beginner, here are a few ways you could come up with the best set of cookies:

Test One Cookie, Before Baking the Rest in One Go

The ultimate secret to achieving the best results in baking cookies is by testing. When you wish to try a new cookie recipe, the first step that you need to do is to test it first by baking just one cookie. Take special note on the time required of the baking before you start doing the rest.

Different ovens behave differently so you might need to adjust the temperature too if required.

Make Sure your Eggs are at Room Temperature

One of the most valuable secrets in baking cookies is making sure that the eggs that you buy are fresh, and also kept at reasonable room temperature. If they are kept higher or lower than the specific temperature needed, then they would not ‘rise’ the way that they should when you start to bake.

However, if you are the type of person to refrigerate the eggs, then you would need to soak them first in lukewarm water for a good two to three minutes for good measure and results. This way, they could be at room temperature easily.

Keep Your Butter at Room Temperature Too

Another crucial and important ingredient in baking cookies is the butter. The result of a too warm or too cold butter is that it will be less creamy when mixed with other ingredients like sugar. Keeping the butter at room temperature would be easier to whisk them.

If it is kept at a warmer temperature though, the butter will turn greasy. If it is too cold, it would be difficult to rise as well. The solution to this is to keep the butter outside of the fridge for a good 30-45 minutes in advance, before the actual start of baking.

In other ways, you could choose to microwave the butter for 15 minutes and wait a couple of seconds before proceeding. When you also forget to put and cross out the butter in your grocery list, you could momentarily have margarine as a substitute.

Get Quality Cookie Dough and Split It

Chocolate chip cookie dough

If you handle the cookie dough too much, it will become too tough. Try working with the half of the cookie dough when it is time for rolling and cutting them to pieces. The other half of the cookie dough is recommended to be refrigerated since chilled doughs are much easier to handle.

These are simple ways that you need to follow with the ingredients of baking cookies for the best results: a few reminders to keep ingredients at room temperature, and advice to work on the cookie dough for easier progress!